Traveloka Suggests the Best Season to Visit Halong Bay

Halong Bay, one of Vietnam’s famous tourist destinations, experiences distinct weather changes throughout the year. Many travelers believe that visiting Halong Bay during spring and autumn is the most beautiful time due to the pleasant weather and stunning landscapes.

Spring Season (March – May):

The weather is pleasant and warm, with temperatures ranging from 20°C to 25°C. Spring is characterized by cool temperatures, not too hot nor too cold, making it the best time to explore Halong Bay without worrying about harsh weather conditions.

Summer Season (June – August):

Summer in Halong Bay is often hot and humid, with temperatures reaching around 35°C. This season can be quite hot and humid, but you can still enjoy the long days and beautiful scenery of Halong Bay.

Autumn Season (September – November):

Autumn is the ideal time to visit Halong Bay with cool and comfortable weather, with temperatures ranging from 20°C to 25°C. It is the least rainy season of the year, and the landscape of Halong Bay becomes vibrant with the soft sunlight of autumn.

Winter Season (December – February):

Winter in Halong Bay can be quite cold, especially at the beginning and end of the season, with temperatures dropping below 10°C. Despite the cold weather, winter also brings its own beauty with fresh air and mist floating over Halong Bay.